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It’s hard to beat an ice-cold soda with popcorn at the movies or at a picnic on a hot day. But when sugary pop becomes a habit rather than a treat, it might be time to cut back and look for some healthier soda alternatives.
“Sugar-sweetened beverages can be linked to diabetes, weight gain and other chronic diseases like heart disease,” Theresa Gentile, a registered dietitian in New York City and a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, tells TODAY.com.
Drinks like these are packed with sugar and calories but don’t provide much in the way of helpful nutrients or feelings of fullness, she adds, so they’re just not satisfying.
And we’re talking a lot of sugar: A single 12-ounce can of Coke contains 39 grams of sugar, while a can of Dr Pepper also contains 39 grams and a can of Sprite will net you 38 grams of sugar.
Women should consume no more than 25 grams of added sugar a day, according to the American Heart Association. For men, that limit is 36 grams per day.
That means a “single serving of soda, depending on the size, can get you (to the AHA limit) really quickly,” Caroline Susie, a registered dietitian based in Dallas and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, tells TODAY.com.
Cutting soda out of your diet or even just reducing the amount you consume on a daily basis can be a majorly beneficial choice for your long-term health. When you’re ready to start making some healthier swaps, dietitians have some helpful advice for choosing soda alternatives.
What is the healthiest soda?
Sorry, but there isn’t really a healthy soda out there. All of them have added sugars or artificial sweeteners, Gentile says.
Could soda be healthier?
In general, healthier options would include “those with little-to-no added sugars and use natural flavoring or small amounts of fruit juice,” Gentile explains….
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