Looking for a quick, but effective, workout to squeeze in when you’re short on time?
Lululemon studio trainer Gerren Liles stopped by the TODAY show on July 24, 2023 to share a workout that fits the bill.
The 6-minute lower-body routine uses the “TMI” workout method as it’s guiding principle. The idea behind it is that “the muscles work in three different ways,” said Liles. The three types of movement include:
- Tempo: Slow and controlled.
- Metabolic: Fast and more dynamic.
- Isometric: Holding a static position.
“We’re going to take exercises that you know and love and we’re going to do them in the TMI way to make a fun and varied workout,” said Liles. He added that 10-20 minutes of these types of exercises are a great complement to a cardio or walking routine.
If you do this workout consistently you may start to see benefits like “feeling more conditioned, not getting tired as easily when doing day-to-day activities, you may get slimmer if that’s your goal, but overall you’ll just be healthier and able to live and move better,” said Liles.
6-minute lower body workout
Perform each of the three rounds for a minute and a half, seeing how many times you can cycle through the three exercises in that time frame.
- Tempo: Perform 2 slow, controlled squats.
- Metabolic: Perform 4 faster squats.
- Isometric: Hold a squat for 6 seconds.
- Tempo: Perform 2 reverse lunges on the right leg.
- Metabolic: Hold the reverse lunge on the right side and pulse 4 times.
- Isometric: Hold the backward lunge 6 seconds.
Perform for a minute and a half and then repeat on the left side.
Lunge and squat combo
Read the full article here