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Looking for an easy-to-start workout regimen that can show results, without having to go to the gym or spend money on equipment?
Try walking.
The simple movement might not seem like the most efficient exercise available, but experts on the topic say it can help with weight loss, mental health and more. Even a few thousand steps a day can burn hundreds of calories and reduce your risk of disease. it’s easy to add some modifications to your walking routine to increase calorie burn and lose weight.
Can walking really help you lose weight?
According to Cedric Bryant, Ph.D., the president and chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise, walking “certainly can” help with weight loss.
“It is a low-impact aerobic exercise that allows individuals to expend energy and burn calories, so it can certainly help with weight loss,” Bryant says.
Some recommend walking as a form of exercise due to its simplicity and accessibility.
“I am a fan of walking as a form of movement — especially if you’re just getting started,” says Marisa Moore, a registered dietitian in Atlanta, Georgia. “What’s most important is finding a type of activity you like and will do.”
If you are using walking as a tool to help lose weight, Bryant recommends walking for at least 45 minutes per day most days of the week.
“The basic recommendations in terms of general health and well being is to just to meet a minimum threshold of about 30 minutes of activity on most days of the week,” he says. “If you’re desiring to lose weight, you really want to work in the 45 to 60 minute range. The thing to understand is that it doesn’t have to be all in one walking session, you can break it up…
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