Home » 10 upper back stretches to soothe sore, achy muscles

10 upper back stretches to soothe sore, achy muscles

by Today

When it comes to back pain, discomfort in the low back tends to be the most common complaint. But upper back pain can be just as uncomfortable and persistent.

Upper back pain can be a result of tightness, especially in the larger muscles, like the latissimus dorsi and trapezius, but also in the smaller muscles like the infraspinatus and the multifidi that connect to the shoulders and spine. This can be caused by stress, poor posture or even sleeping wrong.

The right upper back stretches can help relieve tension in all of these areas and prevent pain from creeping up.

When performing each stretch, breathe in and out slowly for three breaths. You can perform them once daily or pick your favorites and rotate through them a few times a day. (I recommend doing them first thing in the morning or taking a 5-minute stretch break during the work day to do a few.)

Downward facing dog

Start in a plank position with your shoulders over your wrists. Pull your naval in toward your spine and reach your butt up toward the ceiling. Form a “V” with your body with your heels reaching down toward the ground. (It’s OK if they are off of the ground.) Press down through your toes and your fingers to stretch the legs and the underarms. Bend one knee and then the other knee. Hold the stretch for 3 breaths.

Modified downward facing dog

Modified downward facing dog

Place your palms flat on the wall in front of you. Back your feet away from the wall and bend slightly at the knees. Keep your back in line with your palms so that your upper body forms a straight line. Engage the core to keep your spine straight. Hold for 3 slow breaths.

Modified downward facing dog

Child’s pose

Kneel down on the floor so that your shins and tops of your feet are on the ground. Bend at your hips, moving your hands forward and your butt back. Inch your hands out in front of you until your stomach is resting on your thighs and your arms are stretched straight out in front of you, palms on the floor. Hold for 3 deep breaths.

Cat cow stretch


Start on all fours with your hands…

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