People often assume that the only way to build strength is by using gym machines or heavy barbells. But you can increase muscle mass in your legs using dumbbells—whether that’s …
I tried these six upper-back and shoulder stretches and they provided immediate relief
by UNN Feedby UNN FeedMy shoulders and upper back are almost always stiff. Whether it’s from pushing myself at the gym doing upper-body dumbbell exercises or being hunched over my laptop for most of…
I only had 10 minutes to work out, so I tried this core-strengthening Pilates routine and the benefits surprised me
by UNN Feedby UNN FeedI try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, but when life gets busy it can be hard to find the time. Even when I can’t carve out…
I’m a PT and yoga teacher and my tips may help you get more from this post-run stretch video with more than 1 million views
by UNN Feedby UNN FeedI’ve run six marathons and countless other races, so I know firsthand the importance of stretching after a run to avoid walking like a penguin the next day. That’s not…
Knee pain is a common complaint and it can be exacerbated by high-impact exercise like running. However, this doesn’t mean that you should throw away your running shoes and miss…
You don’t need the gym to build a strong core, just this 10-minute Pilates routine
by UNN Feedby UNN FeedPilates is the workout that everyone is still talking about and with good reason. It’s a style of exercise that incorporates small, controlled bodyweight movements which build strength, stability and…
A trainer recommends making this simple tweak to your workouts if you want a stronger core and toned arms
by UNN Feedby UNN FeedIf you want a stronger core and toned arms, try this simple tweak to make your upper-body workouts harder: do them sitting down. Certified personal trainer Heidi Neal recommends doing…