Taking care of your teeth in the morning involves more than brushing and flossing. What you choose to eat for breakfast can have a major impact on your teeth and possibly even lead to staining and tooth decay. By choosing healthier options, you can support your oral health from the moment you wake up.
When choosing what to eat for breakfast, “I’m looking at whole-body health,” Dr. Erinne Kennedy, consumer advisor spokesperson for the American Dental Association and assistant dean of curriculum and integrated learning for Kansas City University College of Dental Medicine, tells TODAY.com.
“I want something that is going to fuel my body with protein, good fats and fiber,” she explains. “And I want to make sure that what I’m eating for breakfast is supporting the growth of good bacteria in my mouth.”
That’s why she starts most days with a large glass of water right when she wakes up. “Sometimes, we wake up with dry mouth, which could be because of a lack of hydration or mouth breathing (during the night),” Kennedy explains.Â
From there, Kennedy and other experts tell TODAY.com that they choose breakfast foods that help keep them full throughout the morning and won’t stain teeth.
What dentists eat for breakfast:
Avocado toast with egg whites
“I usually go with avocado toast,” Dr. Tricia Quartey, a Brooklyn-based dentist and ADA spokesperson, tells TODAY.com.
She uses whole-grain toast topped with half an avocado and egg whites. “Having the healthy fat keeps me full, but I’m also having a healthier carb to get me going in the morning,” Quartey explains.
Fruit-filled smoothies
Dr. Irina Kessler, a dentist at New York Family Dental Arts, tells TODAY.com that she usually has a green smoothie or juice in the mornings.
“I’ll make it myself because I just prefer to know what I’m putting in it,” Kessler says. Her smoothies usually contain kale, spinach, frozen mango, lemon, celery, banana and coconut water. “It’s nutritious, but it will stain your teeth if you’re bleaching,” she…
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