When looking for a core routine, most people are focused on exercises that work the abdominals. And while yes, it’s true that the abs are a part of the core, you may be surprised to learn that the low back and glutes are too.
Your core is responsible for stability, balance and posture. A strong core is key to performing everyday activities safely and effectively — from walking to lifting heavy bags. Plus, weak core muscles can put strain on the back during everyday movements, so strengthening them can help reduce back pain. That’s why a well-rounded routine that strengthens every major muscle group that makes up the core is so important.
To get started, here are 27 core exercises from personal trainer and TODAY fitness contributor Stephanie Mansour. String 5-7 together for an effective core routine that will target the abs, back and glutes.
This is a stretch and strengthening exercise for the back. To start, place your hands alongside your chest and push an imaginary marble forward with your nose to lift up your head, neck and chest. Press down firmly through your hands and hug your elbows in toward your sides. Pull your navel in toward your spine and press your thighs down into the ground. Bring the shoulders back and lift the chin up. Take a deep breath in, and then rest.
Lie down on your back with your knees bent, feet as wide as your hips and feet flat on the floor. Tighten your abs, pulling your belly button in toward your spine and making sure to engage your core throughout the exercise. With your hands placed gently behind your head and elbows wide, use your abs to bring your shoulder blades off the floor. Exhale as you lift your body. Slowly release the position, inhaling as your rest your head on the mat. Return to starting position and repeat.
Start on all fours. Line your shoulders up over your wrists, and make sure your wrists are parallel with the front of the mat. Walk your knees back a few inches, but make sure that your shoulders stay over your…
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