Arugula, sometimes called “rocket,” is a bitter leafy green often used in Mediterranean cuisine. It’s a healthy base for salads, a delicious topper for pizza, or even a replacement for fresh herbs in a pesto or green dip. But what are the benefits of eating arugula?
It’s full of beneficial plant compounds and inflammation-fighting antioxidants, making it an incredibly healthy part of the diet. The nutrients in arugula may reduce the risk of serious diseases, like heart disease, cancer and cognitive decline.
The leafy green Americans know as arugula has several different names in other countries. In the United Kingdom, it’s referred to as rocket. Many think this name originated from the Northern Italian word “ruchetta,” which later became “roquette” in France. The word “arugula” is probably an Americanized version of the traditional Italian word “rucola,” which Italian immigrants introduced to the U.S.
Here’s what to know about arugula’s nutrition and easy ways to incorporate more of it into your diet.
Arugula nutrition facts
One cup of arugula has:
● 5 calories
● 1 gram protein
● 1 gram carbohydrates
● 0 grams fiber
● 22 micrograms vitamin K (18% daily value)
Health benefits of eating arugula
A one-cup serving of arugula is low in calories and other nutrients, but it does have substantial amounts of vitamin K. This essential vitamin is necessary for blood clotting, bone health and heart health.
The other major health benefits come from nutrients not on the food label. Arugula is a cruciferous vegetable, which has many plant compounds and antioxidants. One compound, glucosinolates, exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that may prevent various diseases.
A 2021 review in Frontiers states that glucosinolates may protect against cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure or improving triglyceride levels. A meta-analysis confirmed these results, stating that eating leafy greens…
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