For individuals with diabetes, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels can be a matter of life and death. But what about the rest of the population?
Countless TikTok videos garnering thousands of views would have you believe a single blood sugar spike can send your mental health plummeting. Multiple startups have recently launched with the goal of getting people without diabetes to track their blood sugar and change their behavior accordingly. Integrative medicine specialist Dr. Taz Bhatia declared blood sugar monitoring a top wellness trend of 2024 on the TODAY show.
And then there’s the Glucose Goddess. Also known as Jessie Inchauspé, the French biochemist has amassed more than 3.3 million Instagram followers, written two bestselling books on hacks and recipes she says can prevent blood sugar spikes, and she recently came out with a supplement called Anti-Spike.
The Glucose Goddess and the blood sugar craze
Inchauspé has attracted her following, she tells, because “the world is getting sicker and sicker, and people understand that their health is not where it should be.”
She isn’t saying anything new, she explains. “Many doctors have been talking about blood sugar management for more than 20 years. … This is a wave that’s been building for a while.” But her goal is to break down glucose-related research into “fun, digestible and easy to understand” graphs and social media posts. “I see myself as a science translator between scientific studies and the general public,” she says.
Some experts in the field are grateful Inchauspé is using her platform to increase awareness of the impact of diet on overall health. “Americans are eating too much processed food and added sugars,” Dr. Sun Kim, an endocrinologist at Stanford University who specializes in treating Type 2 diabetes, tells “If the Glucose Goddess can help Americans eat less of these foods, then I say…
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