“Democrats were elected on the promise that they would defend Social Security against Republican attacks. Now is the moment of the truth.”
by Jake Johnson, courtesy of commondreams.org –
A coalition of progressive advocacy groups have launched a campaign urging every member of Congress to pledge to “never vote to cut Social Security or Medicare under any circumstances,” an effort that comes as House Republicans are weighing attacks on the two programs as part of their sweeping austerity spree.
Led by Social Security Works and More Perfect Union, the new campaign highlights the massive stakes of the ongoing showdown over the U.S. debt ceiling, which House Republicans have said they will refuse to raise unless congressional Democrats and the Biden White House agree to major federal spending cuts—including damaging changes to Social Security and Medicare.
“To be clear, the debt ceiling legislation is not about new spending; it’s about paying our bills,” the progressive groups said Monday. “Failure to raise the debt limit will not only wreck the nation’s economy; it will wreck the economy of the whole world.”
In a launch video for their campaign, the progressive coalition includes footage of Republican lawmakers expressing support for raising the retirement age—a move that would cut Social Security spending across the board—and falsely blaming “entitlements” for the ballooning national debt as Congress hurtles toward another round of debt ceiling brinkmanship.
Republicans Are Plotting to Cut Social Security and Medicare
“Democrats were elected on the promise that they would defend Social Security against Republican attacks,” said Alex Lawson, the executive director of Social Security Works. “Now is the moment of the truth. Democrats must refuse to cut Social Security. And they must refuse to create a mechanism—such as a closed-door commission—to cut Social Security…
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