A Black mother and her daughter have credited President Joe Biden for helping them achieve their dream of homeownership in Las Vegas, aided by the $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus package passed in 2021.
In a White House video released on Wednesday, the mother-daughter duo met and thanked Biden for enacting a program that assisted them in purchasing their first home.
“Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan helped pay our first down payment on our home,” Ikina, the daughter, said in the video posted to the president’s social media accounts.
Latreca Pryor, a 54-year-old single mother, explained that she moved to Las Vegas from Chicago to be closer to her mother and sister. Aiming to own a home within five years of relocating, she took a course that taught participants how to budget and raise their credit scores. The course was provided through a Nevada housing program funded by the American Rescue Plan, which Biden signed into law to stabilize the economy after the 2020 pandemic shutdown.
“Within the year, I qualified,” said Pryor, who proudly displayed her certificate. “[The] American Rescue Plan gave me $15,000 to put down on my first down payment on my home.”
Pryor and Ikina met Biden during his visit to Las Vegas last week and thanked him for his help in making homeownership a reality for them. Pryor, a Service Employees International Union (SEIU) hospital worker, admitted she was initially “nervous” about meeting the president.
“Once he grabbed my hand, shook my hand, I felt very calm,” she said.
“He’s like one of those people you feel like you can talk to all the time. He was very nurturing,” Ikina said. Biden gifted her a plant that she plans to grow in her new bedroom, which is the first that she had with a window.
“So now that I got sunlight, I can nurture this plant Joe Biden actually gave to me,” she added.
Ikina, rocking her hair in pink twists, added, “It gives me a space to…
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