Editor’s note: The following article is an op-ed, and the views expressed are the author’s own. Read more opinions on theGrio.
I was on the phone with my sister as she picked my nephew up from school. When he got in the car, she noticed he had a bag of snacks in his hand that he was happily digging into. She hadn’t given it to him, so she asked him where it came from.
“It was some kid’s birthday today,” he said, “and all the kids got this bag of goodies.”
My sister asked him what was in the bag.
“A Capri Sun, some Doritos Minis, and a chili mango sucker.”
“They gave him one of those ‘send off’ bags you were talking about earlier,” my sister said to me, and we both started cracking up.
She’s referring to the post-sex goodie bag a woman claimed to have received after she spent the night with a man.
Inside the bag is a fun-size bag of Doritos; either an unidentified sandwich or a piece of white bread (I can’t really tell)’ some weed crumbs; a cheap pack of cigars (I’ll assume to roll blunts with said obviously MID weed); and $40 (or a $20 bill folded in half).
Written on the bag was a note that said, “Thanks for your time.”
Although the original post is three years old, it was revived recently when someone did that thing y’all do where you steal other people’s viral social content and post it like you came up with it (I should definitely write a future column about this). Someone stole the entire post verbatim and posted it to their Twitter account.
The tweet in question went viral and sparked a discussion about whether or not women thought this was an appropriate gesture. TheGrio’s Marc Lamont Hill discussed it on his show recently.
I have some thoughts.
I am not at all opposed to a gentleman giving out post-sex goodie bags or send-off bags, or whatever you want to call it. Hell, some of y’all need to give out parting gifts to compensate for your lack of…
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