Meet the forces trying to impose their faith on our nation.
See the new documentary, Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism’s Unholy war on Democracy, from 2-4 p.m. on Saturday, May 11, 2024 at the Wesley Grant Community Center, 285 Livingston St.
The free screening, sponsored by the NC Poor People’s Campaign, Indivisible Asheville/WNC, Black Men Mondays, and NC Second Chance Alliance, documents how Christian Nationalist leaders have spread fear and anger for decades, distorting political issues into Biblical battles between good and evil.
Financed through the secretive Council for National Policy, Christian Nationalists have succeeded in taking over the Republican Party, turning it into a powerful weapon to demolish democracy from within. The film chronicles the origins of this organized grasp for power and the grassroots coalition of secular and interfaith leaders exposing and confronting these forces threatening U.S. democracy.
“This really has been going on for decades,” says Leslie Boyd, co-chair of the NC Poor People’s Campaign Western Circle. “It is the group behind the fights against reproductive rights and LGBTQ rights, and they are the driving force behind the attacks on school curricula that don’t meet their approval. It’s imperative that their efforts be brought into the light and understood by those of us who disagree with their attempts to make the United States a theocracy.”
Bad Faith won the Justice Matters Award at Washington DC International Film Festival in 2024, and Best of Fest Audience Favorites at its world premiere at the Palm Springs International Film Festival.
The film will be followed by a discussion. Admission is free, but space is limited. For tickets, and to RSVP, please go to
For information about the film, visit
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