Conservative Twitter has exploded in an unholy baptism of white nationalist tears over the imminent criminal indictment of former President Donald Trump, who is accused of paying hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels so she wouldn’t screw up his 2016 presidential run by blabbing about a sexual encounter she had with Trump.
Over the weekend, the former commander-in-PornHub-relief took to social media to declare that he expects to be arrested on Tuesday of this week, and that was enough to get the MAGA Milaje all in a tizzy and ready to go to war for White-kanda.
Here’s Georgia congresswoman and tinfoil hat model Marjorie Taylor Greene calling for “every single Republican to go scorched earth” if Trump is arrested. (But don’t worry. If there’s another Koup Klux Klan event at a government building like on Jan. 6, Greene will undoubtedly deny that she had anything to do with inciting it. I mean, who told Antifa to go all “scorched earth” like that anyway?)
Here’s Rep. Matt Gaetz declaring that Trump did nothing illegal, which is like if Bill Cosby wore a “Justice for R. Kelly” t-shirt, considering Gaetz himself has been accused of sex trafficking and paying for sexual favors.
What I find hilarious is that Black people have been talking about the flaws in America’s racist justice system for literal centuries only to be scoffed at by white conservatives who chide us for “playing the victim.” Now, Trump might be arrested and they’re expecting Americans to come together to fight the injustice on behalf of the guy who catapulted the war against critical race theory, which is a study on racist systems such as the justice system. And this comes as Trump continues to arbitrarily call every Black prosecutor involved in his multiple corruption investigations racist. (Don’t hold your breath for Critical Republican Persecution Theory to be banned in schools across the country though.)
Here’s conservative talking…
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