There’s been so much talk about the solar eclipse occurring during Mercury retrograde, the fact that there’s also a super new moon approaching this evening may be going unnoticed.
New moons are about new beginnings, and when a solar eclipse crosses one, it just ups the ante. That’s not the only aspect of today’s astrology that could be beneficial for many: April is gearing up to be, astrologically speaking, one of the most powerful months of the year.
Both the eclipse and the new moon are happening in the sign of headstrong, ambitious Aries, our current astrological season. Plus, this is all going down before one of the strongest aspects of the entire year. On April 20, we will experience a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. If April were a play, Mercury retrograde — which kicked off on April 1 and lasts through April 25 — was the prelude, and this eclipse is the first act.
Mercury retrograde
For generations, people have been complaining about Mercury retrograde. This notorious transit occurs when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backward, and thus, aspects of life Mercury is associated with — communication, travel, technology, contracts — also appear to get thrown off track.
It happens a few times throughout any given year and is more than enough to cause a decent level of chaos. This time around, given everything else that’s about to be in flux, prominent astrologers say some could be tripped up on how to move forward with big ideas and goals. Mercury retrograde is a great time to take a step back, brainstorm new solutions for old problems, and give yourself grace.
The total solar eclipse
Cue the Bonnie Tyler because, as you may be well aware, a total eclipse of the sun is occurring today. In actuality, this means the moon is passing directly between the sun and Earth, completely blocking the sun’s light on one side and casting a shadow on the other side. The eclipse will be visible in parts of the U.S….
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