Home » Train your core in just three moves with this trainer’s efficient kettlebell workout

Train your core in just three moves with this trainer’s efficient kettlebell workout

by UNN Feed

This three-move kettlebell workout won’t take up much of your day, but you’ll certainly feel the burn afterward. 

The exercises recruit multiple muscles across your body, while also challenging your core. You can do the quick routine on its own or tag it onto the end of your usual training session. 

As the repetitions (reps) are on the higher side, choose a kettlebell weight that you find challenging, but make sure it’s not so heavy that it ruins your form or stops you from completing the required number of reps. You might need different weights for different exercises, as some of the moves target smaller muscles.

Mari Cowie

Mari is the studio manager and personal trainer at F45 Mill Hill. She’s a qualified chiropractor but has worked in the fitness industry for 15 years.

The workout

  • Kettlebell swing: 3×20
  • Single arm crunch: 3×10 per side
  • Russian twist: 3×15 per side

The exercises

1. Kettlebell swing 

Reps: 20 Sets: 3

  • Place the kettlebell a couple of feet in front of you. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and bend forward to grab the handle of the kettlebell with both hands. Keep your back flat and engage your lats (muscles across your back).
  • Pull the weight between your legs, then drive your hips forward and explosively swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height with arms straight in front of you. 
  • As the weight falls, squat and drive your hips back, allowing the kettlebell to swing back between your legs. That’s one rep.

2. Single-arm crunch 

Reps: 10 per side Sets: 3

  • Lie on the floor with your legs out straight, holding a kettlebell in one hand, with your arm straight and held in the air overhead 90° from your chest.
  • Crunch up into a seated position, while moving your shoulder so the kettlebell remains directly over it.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.

3. Russian twist 

Read the full article here

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