Are you looking for a workout to improve your cardio fitness, or would you rather spend your sessions building strength? Well, what if you didn’t have to choose between the two?
This four-move workout from training app Freeletics (opens in new tab) will work your muscles with a series of bodyweight resistance exercises, but it also incorporates cardio moves and low rest times to improve your aerobic capacity (the maximum amount of oxygen your body can take in and use during exercise).
If you need any more convincing, it’s incredibly accessible too, taking less than 20 minutes and not needing any equipment (though a yoga mat (opens in new tab) is a welcome addition for extra grip and cushioning).
The session challenges you to complete 20 squat jumps before launching straight into 10 push-ups (opens in new tab). After this, rest for 20 seconds before performing 30 high knees and 10 burpees. Take a 30-second rest this time, then start the sequence again.
Complete four rounds of this circuit as quickly as possible (maintaining proper form throughout, of course) to reach the finish line. Watch the video below for a demonstration of each of the four exercises, then give this workout a go for yourself.
Watch Freeletics’ workout
Freeletics’ workout is an example of high-intensity resistance training (opens in new tab), or HIRT for short. This is an exercise method that, as the name suggests, combines high-intensity interval training (opens in new tab) (HIIT) with resistance exercises to offer the benefits of both.
As a result, HIRT workouts can boost your metabolism, build muscle and increase your strength, according to research published in the Journal of Translational Medicine (opens in new tab). The study also found that HIRT increases post-workout calorie burn “to a significantly greater extent than traditional resistance training.”
So, not only is HIRT an effective training style, it’s also efficient. By keeping rest times low, it allows you to complete more work…
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