Home » I’m a personal trainer and this is my favorite exercise for strong and healthy hips

I’m a personal trainer and this is my favorite exercise for strong and healthy hips

by UNN Feed

Spending hours sitting at a desk could wreak havoc on your mobility, flexibility and posture. Even with an after-work gym session, you still might be at risk of injury if you don’t include functional mobility in your routine to prepare your body for movement, improve your range of motion and strengthen vital muscle groups.

As a certified personal trainer, I’ve worked with a lot of clients who have desk jobs. One of my favorite exercises for them is the clamshell. This move activates and strengthens the glutes and hip abductors—muscles that can become weak, stiff and deconditioned with long periods of sitting.

Clamshells aren’t just beneficial for desk job workers. They can facilitate better squats, lunges, runs and even walks. While no equipment is required for a clamshell, you may want to use a yoga mat like the one below for support.

How to do the clamshell

Sets: 3 Reps: 12-15 on each side

  • Lie on your side with your elbow aligned underneath your shoulder.
  • With your legs together, bend your knees to a 45° angle a few inches in front of your body and align your heels with your tailbone.
  • Keeping your feet connected, squeeze your glutes and slowly lift your top knee upwards without moving your pelvis or lower back.
  • Pause at the end of your range then slowly lower your knee back to the starting position.
  • Continue for the repetitions, then repeat on the other side.

Trainer tips

When rotating your knee upward, avoid your top hip shifting backward or your bottom hip lifting off the floor. This may limit your range a bit but that’s okay. Maintaining good form will ensure you’re working the correct muscle groups.

Once you’ve mastered the standard clamshell, you can progress the exercise by trying a side-plank clamshell, explained below.

How to do a side-plank clamshell

Sets: 3 Repetitions: 12-15

  • Lie on your side with your elbow aligned underneath your shoulder.
  • With your legs…

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