Home » A Pilates instructor says this one simple move will keep your spine healthy as you age

A Pilates instructor says this one simple move will keep your spine healthy as you age

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As we age, it’s common to notice that our bodies don’t feel as mobile or strong as they once did. While this is normal, it can hinder movement in daily life and may even lead to aches, pain and stiffness. The back is particularly prone to wear and tear over time, so it’s important to look after it.

Lottie Anderson, a Pilates instructor and founder of Bondi Rise, says there’s one exercise she recommends to help keep the spine mobile as we age: the Pilates roll-down.

“The key is to take this one slow,” says Anderson.

How to do the Pilates roll-down

The Pilates roll-down is a move done from standing and requires no equipment.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent and your arms relaxed at your sides.
  • Inhale deeply and engage your core by gently drawing your belly button toward your spine.
  • Exhale and tuck your chin toward your chest and curl forwards, letting your head, neck, shoulders and arms relax. Concentrate on gradually flexing your spine from top to bottom, one vertebra at a time.
  • Aim to bring your hands as close to the floor as your flexibility allows. Don’t force the stretch.
  • Once you reach the bottom, take a few deep breaths in the forward fold position.
  • Engage your core muscles again and slowly roll back up, with your head being the last to lift.

Anderson recommends repeating this movement two or three times and adding into your daily movement routine, perhaps every morning or on your lunch break.

Benefits of the Pilates roll-down

This exercise will lengthen the muscles in your spine and help increase flexibility and range of motion.

It should also feel satisfying, particularly if you struggle with stiffness in your back. “This move improves flexibility and mobility and it will help wake up the spine,” says Anderson.

For more ways to take care of your back, try these four yoga moves for back flexibility, recommended by a yoga teacher.

Read the full article here

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