Home » Alpha Kappa Alphas Celebrate Founders’ Day

Alpha Kappa Alphas Celebrate Founders’ Day

by The Urban News
By Sarah Williams and Verita Woods –

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Gamma Gamma Omega Chapter celebrated its Founders’ Day February 18, 2024 at Contemporary First Missionary Baptist Church in Hendersonville, NC.

The AKA’s (L-R): First row: Vernell Woldu, Phala Franks, Brenda Wilkerson, Mary Harmon, Cora Harper, Sophie Dixon. Second row: Berta McCallum, Beverly Robinson, Verita Woods, Pamala Jones. Third row: Terry Bellamy, Carmen Robinson, Gabrielle Linear, Valerie Kason-Bond. Fourth row: Raynetta Waters, Carla Crews McGirt, ZaKeya Bell-Rogers, Sylvia Clement, Kenesha Smith. Not pictured: Ellen Bowdith, Sheron Craig, Alberta Drane, Katrice Goodrum, Rasheeda Hall, Barbara James, Jacqueline King, Nina Baten, Sarah Williams.

Chapter president Brenda Wilkerson shared information about the sorority and made a financial presentation to the church, pastored by Rev. K. DeWayne.

As February was Heart Awareness Month, Gamma Gamma Omega chapter’s Dr. Carmen Robinson gave an informative and well-received presentation on how to better take care of your heart, which was followed by Rev. DeWayne’s sermon—using the human heart as his theme.

The celebration was followed by a luncheon at Bay Breeze Seafood Restaurant in Hendersonville at which President Wilkerson spoke of the occasion. Phala Franks gave the invocation, and Alberta Drane introduced everyone. Vernell Woldu recognized their Pearl Soror, Cora Harper, and her biological sister Nina Baten, both members of AKA for fifty years or more. Former Asheville Mayor and AKA alumna Terry Bellamy spoke and received a standing ovation. Barbara James blessed the meal.


Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA) is the first African American Greek letter Sorority. It was the dream of Howard University co-ed Ethel Hedgeman, who wanted to create a support network for women with like minds who would come together for mutual uplift, and unite their talents and strengths for the benefit of…

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