The “Wu-Tang: An American Saga” story is coming to an end. The acclaimed Hulu series is currently in its third and final season, dubbed “the final chapter.” TheGrio caught up with the cast and creatives of the series, breaking down their farewells, what makes the third season a unique entry and more.
The third season of the hit streaming series follows the iconic Wu-Tang Clan members after the release of their debut album, as each member tries figures out where he or she fits in the world of music. “As money, fame, ego, and business threaten to tear the group apart, they must find a way to come together and cement their legacy,” the synopsis reads.
It was “gratifying” ending the story on their own terms for the series co-creator and founding member of the Wu-Tang Clan, RZA. “When we said cut and there was a season wrap, nobody went and grabbed their bags and left,” he explained, recalling the final day on set. “It was a five-year journey … I think we all appreciate the art we created and the time we spent together.”
Co-creator Alex Tse added, “Being able to do the season that we did, to do the things that we talked about doing from jump before even breaking Season 1 … It makes it easier to kind of go to the next chapter. To be able to end on the terms creatively that you want to end with, that is very helpful to move on to the next thing.”
Dave East, who plays Method Man in the series, is particularly looking forward to fans seeing this specific iteration of the legendary hip-hop group in the third season. “This is the season that shows who they were when I got into them as a child,” he explained. “I feel like a lot of people will be able to identify with this season.”
Still, the end of the journey is bittersweet, especially for cast members who have been telling this story since its first season in 2019. “I super appreciate and love the whole…
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