Chris Rock got some major hate following his Chris Rock: Selective Outrage Netflix special with viewers claiming he wasn’t a funny comedian and questioning his Blackness. But at least some fellow comedians have his back like D.L. Hughley and Leslie Jones who tried to help convince people of Rock’s unique experience and decision making.
Hughley didn’t comment on his hard-hitting jokes about Chris Rock and Jada Pinkett Smith but promised that true comedy lovers would be entertained by the content.
“If you love comedy, if you are a student of the art, if you are one of the few remaining people that allow for creative expression, then you walked away from this with the same sentiment,” Hughley wrote. “Side note … That happened to HIM, to CHRIS … and the ENTIRE WORLD got to weigh in and talk trash and make jokes and ‘shoulda, woulda, coulda’ the whole damn thing to death,” continued the actor and fellow comedian. “OTHER COMEDIANS have bits about it, it was an opener for most of us. The ONE PERSON YOU NEVER HEARD FROM ABOUT IT WAS CHRIS!!”
He continued, “So NOW, that HE decides to address it on HIS TIME, people have the audacity to say: ‘he’s bitter … Why is he still talking about that … let it go … or the best one WE’VE MOVED ON.’ So YOU got to speak on it but he can’t??? Y’all are a straight f*n trip.”
Jones hopped in with a similar sentiment, noting that the world saw him get slapped on television and no one knows how tactfully they’d respond to a situation like that.
Her response was a retort to someone else saying that his words could cause violence and that after a year, he should have let that hurt go.
“Y’all forget he got slapped in front of the world yo! His kids, his mama, peers EVERYONE! I wonder how y’all muthaf—-s would handle that! And he is A COMEDIAN this is his way of expressing it. If he sang he would write a song. Cause it’s a painful thing that happen,” Jones wrote…
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