Home » Dave Ramsey revealed how he lost everything by flipping houses back in the 1980s — here are 3 top tips to invest in real estate ‘the right way’

Dave Ramsey revealed how he lost everything by flipping houses back in the 1980s — here are 3 top tips to invest in real estate ‘the right way’

by UNN Feed

As a young man, Dave Ramsey made a fortune flipping houses. But one flop cost him everything.

“I did my first flip in 1983,” the financial advice guru said on a recent episode of his radio show. “I was so stupid. I thought that everything that was a foreclosure was a good buy.”

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Ramsey went on to describe how the house he purchased needed far more labor, capital and time than he’d anticipated. He also shared how he miscalculated the value of his own labor as he repaired the property. When it sold four years later, Ramsey had lost more than $14,000 on the unit, which he initially purchased for just $7,000.

‘I was so stupid’: Dave Ramsey revealed how he lost everything by flipping houses back in the 1980s — here are 3 top tips to invest in real estate ‘the right way’

Unfortunately, his experience isn’t all that unusual. Investors bought, repaired and sold more than 407,000 single-family homes and condos in 2021, pocketing just $67,900 on average — the lowest level gross profit margins on home flips since 2008, according to property data firm ATTOM. Meanwhile, Zillow’s chief economist expects profits to be squeezed further in 2023 as mortgage rates and home renovation costs accelerate.

Simply put, house flipping isn’t as easy or lucrative as it once was. In fact, the probability of losing money like Dave Ramsey did is relatively high. Instead, property investors could focus on more long-term approaches, like the ones described below.

Buy and hold

On his blog, Ramsey recommends a long-term, buy-and-hold approach to real estate. This means purchasing a property at a fair price and waiting for it to gradually appreciate in value over time. It parallels how billionaire Warren Buffett invests in stock.

Historical evidence backs up this strategy. On average, U.S. real estate has appreciated at an annual rate of 4.4% since 1991. Some years have proven more volatile than others, with double-digit gains or losses. But over time, this…

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