As parents, we all recognize the importance of teaching our children about finances, but many of us struggle with knowing where to start. Fortunately, there are resources available to help parents navigate this crucial aspect of their children’s lives.
One such resource is the docu-series Your World on Money, in partnership with Experian and hosted by 24 year-old Andini Makosinski, the GenZ’er who has given 5 TEDx talks and is one of Forbes Magazine’s “30 Under 30,” Time Magazine’s “30 Under 30 World Changers,” and Popular Science’s “Young Inventor of the Year”.
This series aims to empower young adults with the knowledge and tools they need to achieve financial independence. By covering topics such as budgeting, investing, credit scores, and retirement planning, Your World on Money provides a roadmap to a secure financial future.
Known for her inventions and accomplishments in the fields of science, art, and public speaking, Makosinski has combined her passion for learning with her dynamic hosting skills to make financial literacy accessible and engaging for young adults.
Parentology sat down with Makosinski to discuss YWOM and her desire to create educational and entertaining content for young, hopeful money-makers (and savers!)
The series covers a wide range of topics that are integral to financial success.
“[We cover] budgeting, investing, taxes, credit, retirement planning, home ownership, topics like that,” says Makosinski. “Basically things that I was curious about… I got to learn so much on this series, which I’m very grateful for.”
By delving into these subjects, viewers have the opportunity to learn alongside Makosinski as she uncovers valuable insights, tips, and strategies for effective money management. The series serves as a comprehensive guide to help young adults pave their own path to financial freedom.
Parents and Money…
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