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Despite containing carbs and natural sugars, research consistently shows that fruit can be beneficial for maintaining a healthy body weight.
For one thing, the fiber and water in fruit can prolong satiety, so you may feel fuller for a longer period after eating fruit. If that helps you eat less and reduce your calorie intake, it can promote weight loss.
Fruit is also low in calories, and if you eat it instead of a higher-calorie snack, it can help put you in a calorie deficit that can help with weight loss.
Other factors may also be at play. For instance, the fiber and antioxidants in fruit may alter your gut microbiome in a way that protects against weight gain, and some of the nutrients in fruit may be protective against obesity.
What is the number 1 fruit for weight loss?
Apples take the prize for the number one fruit for weight loss for many reasons. A large apple has 5 grams of fiber, which is a mix of soluble and insoluble fiber. Both types are needed for health, but soluble fiber helps regulate your appetite by delaying gastric emptying, which keeps you fuller for longer. This could help you eat less and, therefore, lose weight.
Because of their crunch, apples take longer to chew than some other fruits, and chewing for longer has been shown to increase satiety. Apples also draw water into your colon, which has been found to reduce appetite and the desire to eat later in the day.
Plus, a 2015 study found that apple eaters were 30% less likely to be obese compared to apple skippers.
Best fruits for weight loss
Fruit is one of the best things you can eat if you’re trying to lose weight (and even if you aren’t). While we encourage fruit in general, science says the following varieties may be the best fruits for weight loss.
Among a class of antioxidants known as flavanols, anthocyanins prevalent in blueberries…
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