Editor’s note: The following article is an op-ed, and the views expressed are the author’s own. Read more opinions on theGrio.
Who is this man that Donald Trump said is “Martin Luther King on steroids”? A man Trumpy said is “better than Martin Luther King”? In fact, “Martin Luther King times two.” Meet Mark Robinson, the GOP’s nominee for governor in North Carolina. He’s currently the state’s lieutenant governor, and hey, if Trump loves him then I’m sure you’ll hate him. I do. The right has given us some kooky, coonish maniacs (I’m talking to you Candace, Clarence, Ben) but Robinson just might be the craziest of the bunch.
Robinson has publicly wished for us to return to a time when women could not vote. He has claimed that feminism was created by Satan. Being masculine does not require men oppressing women but apparently on the right that’s a reasonable thing to say because, as I said, this man won the North Carolina GOP gubernatorial primary.
Of course, Robinson wants to outlaw all abortions and thinks that women who breastfeed in public are “shameless attention hogs.” Robinson has two children so he should know that babies need to eat all the time, and mothers need to be able to feed them all the time, but why let logic get in the way of wackadookie soundbite?
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Robinson’s abhorrent views on women should be enough to disqualify him from public office, but in the modern GOP, the wilder and more unhinged you are, the better. So of course, there’s more.
Robinson has said the Civil Rights Movement was crap and that Michelle Obama is transgender and that Beyoncé is satanic and that Dr. King was an inferior pastor and a communist. (If Robinson hates King then what does he think about Trump saying he’s like King? You know what, forget I asked, I don’t care.)
He has said we should listen to Hitler and called the Holocaust hogwash. He thinks…
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