An attorney representing a Georgia couple whose baby was decapitated during delivery last year said Wednesday that the hospital and their obstetrician were not forthcoming about the baby’s cause of death, reiterating allegations from a lawsuit filed last year.
The Clayton County Medical Examiner’s Office said in a news release Tuesday that the baby’s death had been ruled a homicide.
Roderick Edmond, the attorney representing parents Jessica Ross and Treveon Isaiah Taylor, accused the couple’s obstetrician at the time, Dr. Tracey St. Julian, of failing to inform them that their baby was decapitated after delivery, according to the couple’s lawsuit.
“Every aspect of the evidence that shows what happened is traumatizing,” Edmond said at a news conference. “It’s something I’ve never seen in my life.”
Ross and Taylor sued Southern Regional Medical Center and their obstetrician, St. Julian, in August, alleging she used “ridiculously excessive force” while trying to deliver their son, who was decapitated, Edmond has told NBC News. At the news conference, Edmond said the lawsuit was still in the early stages of discovery.
The medical examiner’s office ruled the baby’s death a homicide caused by “actions of another person,” according to its news release. The baby’s death directly resulted from a fracture of cervical vertebrae in the spine, it said.
Taylor, the baby’s father, spoke publicly for the first time at Wednesday’s news event, saying he and his girlfriend were lied to and prevented from touching their son.
“We just want justice for our son,” Taylor said.
The baby, whom the couple named Treveon Isaiah Taylor Jr., did not properly descend during delivery, most likely because of shoulder dystocia, a condition that occurs when a baby’s shoulder gets…
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